Sunday, December 30, 2007

What this is

I've decided I'm tired of being overweight and unhealthy. It all came about because I started dating this absolutely amazing woman named Kori. We were at dinner and the topic of health and fitness came up. Her response was that she was on to me and I think she meant that I am aware of issues that I have but I'm not doing anything about them. Now I know that she likes me and thinks I'm pretty dandy but I also know that she thinks that I could be a lot healthier and she is right. The fact is I'm unhealthy, and I want do something about it and make some major lifestyle changes. So on a whim I proposed a bet with her to help jumpstart this process for me. So I am going to attempt to lose 20 pounds between now (starting new years day) and February 1st. My starting point is around 280 but i need to weigh in to know if that is accurate. I'll be blogging daily with my food intake and exercise regime so that I can track what I'm doing and to feel accountable to myself and anyone else who is reading this. When the month is over, I will be rewarding myself with another month's goal and more realistic approaches to my lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly and having a healthy balanced diet. The bet go's like this, she said that she would like a framed piece of my artwork if I fail. A framed Photo of mine suitable for her tastes and printed large...over 17" x 26". It will likely be much larger because i have started a new photo technique that will give me much wider prints. Anyways, she will be getting a piece of art that i would normally price for $350-$1000 depending on the size. If I achieve my goal, and win the bet, then I proposed she take me out on a nice date. So here goes...

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