Tuesday, March 24, 2009

hummus is yummy

Weight -251.2
Pounds lost - 10.8
Calories in - 1300
Calories out - 3000(basal) + 1200(bike ride) = 4200
Deficit - 2900

i almost forgot how much I love the stuff. Today I made a bunch of roasted red pepper hummus for Nicole and I. It really is a wonderful food. For those of you that love it too, you should make it from scratch instead of buying it premade. You can save a bunch of money by doing so. All you need is tahini (sesame seed butter), garlic, lemon juice, chick peas (garbonzo), salt, pepper, olive oil. If you want to add roasted garlic that would be lovely, or you can add whole roasted red peppers that have had their charred skin removed. I wont bother you with the recipe but u can find it anywhere online.

Now a recipe that I will share with you is a sandwhich idea I came up with last week that totally rocks! Take two slices of bread, preferably french bread cut on a bias, take half a clove of garlic and slice it into paper thin slices, half an avacado, some sea salt, and lemon juice, and one package of water packed tuna, put it all together in layers and enjoy! This is seriously the best sandwhich ever.

At any rate, here's today's food!

2 hard boiled eggs - 140 calories
1/2 cup blueberries - 40 calories
mini whole wheat bagel with one serving lite creamcheese - 170 calories

2nd breakfast
1/2 mini whole wheat bagel with 1/2 serving lite creamcheese - 85 calories
3 slices turkey bacon - 60 calories

A few olives, home made roasted red pepper hummus with whole wheat pita and carrots, oven roasted eggplant,
yellow and zucchini squash, red onion, red potato with thyme on brown, texmati, and wild rice - about 600 calories

Yellow Baby Carrots with sour cream and salsa to dip in - 75 calories
3+ servings of bread and butter sweet pickle chunks - 100 calories
One serving Orange Hammer gel - 90 calories

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