Monday, January 7, 2008

January 6th - the break continues

So the gym was closed today...and i let that be an excuse for not working out. It sucked, i drve all the way there and nothing... :(

Tomorrow I have a work out date with Lisa. And hopefully Justin will be there too so I can give him the tour, convince him to join up, and steal some info from him about how I can get the most out of my workout.

Today was a good day for food, i think my lowered activity level helped to level off my appetite. I've been snacking on cantaloupe too which I have heard helps curb the appetite slightly.

Justin gave me some advice tonight about how I should better balance out my meals with appropriate levels of protein and carbs (from veggies and fruit). Im going to try and implement some of this into my diet. Basically he said I need to be eating lean protein and carbs at each meal in the following proportions: size and thickness of my palm for the proteins and size of my fist for the carbs. He said i need to be getting most of my carbs from fruits and veggies and not from rice and pasta and grains. I agree and I disagree. I wont be cutting those out completely, but I have cut them down a lot and what was left behind is only whole grain pasta, rice, bread etc. My rule of thumb is buy what looks to be the most difficult to digest and what has the most fiber, lol. My oatmeal has 6 grams of fiber in per serving, my bread has 8 grams of fiber in it per slice, and my pasta has 4. This is an "assload" of fiber (get it!!?? snickers...), which i think is good for my diet. It will slow down the absorption of sugars into my bloodstream thus leveling off my blood sugar throughout the day, require a lot of energy to digest, and of course do all the other great things fiber does!!

So anyways, i implemented his suggestions into my dinner just now. I took 3 chicken breast tenders (fresh) and chopped them up with 2 organic carrots. I probably could have had 4 carrots to reach the fist size but i wasnt that hungry and i think i might have been slightly heavy on the protein side anyways. So i sauteed all that up with some olive oil, black pepper, a tiny pinch of kosher salt, then added a tablespoon or two of soy sauce, some water, and a large tablespoon of brown sugar and some garlic to make a glaze. I discovered that I had way too much liquid in the pan to make the sauce glaze before I overcooked the chicken. This gave me a brilliant idea of how to cut some unnecessary calories without losing any flavor! Just pour off most of the liquid and leave behind a few tablespoons of it to reduce and form the glaze. This was great because it essentially poured off most of the oil, most of the brown sugar, and the extra salt that I didnt need. I bet I got rid of at least 125 calories just by doing that (oil + sugar added up to almost 180 calories). It was brilliant! My glaze worked perfectly, had the best balance of salty and sweet, and it didnt overwhelm the natural flavors of the chicken, carrots, pepper and garlic powder. It was really delicious. Its great how just a little bit of thought can turn the most banal of meals into something that will dance in your mouth and not in your man boobs!

So here's my totals for the day

Weight - 271.6
Sandwich with 2 slices of whole grain bread, a cucumber, a serving of my sausage, and a TBSP of mayo.
calories - 350
6 (the smallest ones) of my meatballs from the day before and a half cup of chunky marinara.
Calories - 400
tube of salted cashews
calories - 330
One bottle of lipton green tea (antifreeze...but this shit is like crack)
calories - 160
2 slices of cantaloupe
calories - 70
Aforementioned Recipe with chicken, carots, and soy/brown sugar/garlic glaze
Calories - 250

intake - 1560
Output - 3000
Caloric Loss - 1440
Total Weight Loss - 4.6 pounds

P.S. I think today was a good diet. It was diverse, not indulgent but not retardedly ascetic either. Im not trying to be a Buddhist monk here, I dont have anything to prove as far as how much I can deny myself. I think it was fairly well balanced and I feel good right now. The only change I can think of is to not eat 330 calories of nuts as a snack, I should have taken along some fruits with me and only had a few tablespoons of those cashews. See ya tomorrow everyone! (all 2 of you im sure!)

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