Tuesday, March 31, 2009

crappy sunday, funday monday

Current Weight - 253 pounds
Loss to date - 9 pounds
Calories in - 1440
Calories out - 3000(basal) + 1200 (hour long racing ride) = 4200 calories
Deficit - 2760

So I raced on sunday in my first ever sanctioned USAC road race. I went just for fun and to support charlie with my brief roll out camaraderie. Nicole and I came up the night before in hopes of having a nice afternoon in Eureka Springs but the weather forced us to just head to fayetnam and enjoy an evening of thai food and a drink or two. I should have skipped the beer and coctail I had with dinner and just after in lieu of more water. I woke up dehydrated without realizing it and ate breakfast too late to really digest much of it. Both of these things made my race suck. I got dropped early, couldnt seem to muster any power or rythm. Mentally I was also unfocused and just couldnt get into the strong pedal mashing im normally used to for a big rider. The cramps came on early as well and ust made my ride suck. I think my average on the cateye said 16.8 MPH and im pretty sure i finished just a few spots off last place. At lease I met my goal however by not being in last place which was a small victory. Next time I will have a much better pre race game plan to abide by.

In contrast to sunday's ride, I had a really strong ride monday night with jamie, charlie, JBar, and Bob Purdom. I was able to attack most of the hills and felt strong even going into the wind. Its a great feeling when your body can respond to what you want it to do. Now I just need to start working on more weight loss and learning how to maneuver through corners better without losing my nerve at 25 MPH. I always seem to get dropped up the big long hills and into the tight downhill corners.

Well, here's monday's food:

Half of my soup made from 2 small chicken breasts, one smallish zuchini, one yellow onion, 7 baby portabella mushrooms, green curry paste, 5 garlic cloves, 2 TBSP olive oil, and herbs and spices - 290 calories

2nd breakfast:
1/2 cub organic lowfat vanilla yogert with 1 cup blueberries - 170

sandwhich with 2 slices double fiber whole wheat bread, 1 tbsp olive oil mayo, 1 packet water pack tuna, 1/2 small avacado, sea salt, lime juice, ground cumin - 400 calories

ride nutrition:
2 shots tropical hammer gel - 180 calories

3/4 cup (cooked) whole wheat penne pasta with 1 tomato basil chicken sausage and one serving of ragu pasta sauce and a side of steamed yellow wax and green beans - 400 calories

total = 1440 calories

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