Wednesday, March 4, 2009

day two - a hard spanking

Day Two
Weight: 260 pounds
Loss to date: 2 pounds
Calories In: 1565
Calories out: 3000 (basal) + 1,675 (excercise) = 4675
Deficit: 3110

today was interval day with Dewon and crew. It was a cold damn day with a frigid and driving wind out of the east. We did 2 20 minute intervals which basically meant the crack house to the bridge with 4 minutes of cool down to head back. I got on dewon's tail and stuck there with all my effort for maybe 8 minutes then i tanked out. The rest of the ride was solo until the return when charlie felt bad for me for maybe 1000 yards and let me draft on him. The wind was just killer though and the cold froze my unprotected feet making it very uncomfortable. I can't wait till spring finally sets in and I can start complaining about the heat again.

After intervals we went to ft roots to make our showing of the final set of Root Canals for the winter season before the tuesday/thursday rides start up again next week after Daylight Savings ends. Charlie and I both made 3 before it was time to say fuck it and go home and warm up. All in all it was a satisfactory workout for me. I did about 19 miles on the bike, nearly lost my toes to frost bite, and blew more snot on my gloves and jacket than im normally accustomed to. Do non smokers get as much snot as recently divorced from the habbit smokers? Anyone know any tricks to get that shit to stop in the cold? I even tried mucinex with a decongestant tonight and it didnt really help. Nothing distracts me more from pounding my pedals in the cold than a runny nose.

So today was a great day for food. Im enjoying my diet. I think what I enjoy most is the fact that eating regularily through the day has kept my energy levels high and i seem to have more focus. My mood has improved dramatically as well. For those of you who know me well you can testify to how much of a cranky bitch I can be in the winter and when im sick. Im sure part of that has to do with the increased regularity of strenous exercise that Im doing. Regardless, its nice to feel this way again and I regret falling so far behind on the level of fitness I was able to achieve last summer ending in the BDB100. My hope is that I'll be able to complete a century this year in under 5 hours. Last year i did the BDB100 in 6 hours 12 minutes. It was my first taste of endurance cycling and finishing that race was probably the most difficult task I have ever achieved.

At any rate, I digress.

One of the things I'm going to start implementing into my blog is "Jonny's daily recipe". I love to cook and Im always inventing dishes or discovering new and wonderful recipes that are definately worth sharing once I cook them. If you are lucky enough you will be someone who gets to taste my cooking but this is a good way for me to share as well. As promised to jo tonight, I'll be putting "Maffé" into the daily recipe but that will have to wait until tomorrow. For tonight I'll include my recipe for

"Whatever the hell you have pasta"

-1 cup whole wheat pasta.
-2 chicken breast tenders uncooked raw. If you dont have this then go shoot a pigeon. they taste wonderful.
-2 tablespoons tomatoe paste or whatever u have that is red and tomatoey...)tomatoes work well for this if that's all you have)
-1/2 cup of whatever the hell liquid u have on hand. I had chicken broth, u might be as lucky.
-a splash of whatever the hell booze u have on hand. I had cream sherry, u will probably have something less embarassing in your bar.
-a few sprigs of fresh thyme, rosemary, and oregeno.
-handful of sliced mushrooms, i used baby portabellas
-one yellow squash roughly chopped
-1/3 of an onion chopped
-3 gloves of garlic roughly chopped
-salt and pepper to taste
-pinch of ground nutmeg
-1/2 tablespoon of butter or olive oil. I used smart balance 50/50 omega 3 which is half butter and half oils from fish, flax, olive etc that are high in heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fat molecules. All of which are essential to any healthy diet.

Cook pasta in salted boiling water.
Meanwhile, add your veggies in a pan with the fat and sautee till soft over medium heat. Add liquids and tomato paste along with the fresh herbs and nutmeg and mix till blended. Add your chicken and cover and cook over medium heat untill the pasta is done. Drain pasta and add to pan and cook uncovered until all the pasta has absorbed the sauce and there isnt too much soupyness left to it. Enjoy!

Calories: 440

Here's today's food:

mini whole wheat bagel with one serving of my smoked salmon with capers and onion cream cheese - 180 calories

2nd breakfast
celery spear with 2 tablespoons cinnamon rasin natural peanut butter - 160 calories

lowfat smoked sausauge sandwhich with a mini cucumber, 1 TBSP of olive oil mayo, and two slices of double
fiber whole wheat bread. - 340 calories

1 cup whole wheat rotini - 190 calories
Sauce of one yellow squash, 1/3 yellow onion, 3 garlic cloves, fresh thyme, fresh oregano, fresh rosemary, nutmeg,
4 TBSP tomato paste, 1/2 cup chicken broth, 2 chicken breast tenders, half tablspoon smart balance omega 3 butter -250 calories

1 Gala Apple - 180 calories
one banana - 105 calories
one serving of baby carrots with 2 TBSP of seasoned lite sour cream - 80 calories
one serving of low fat smoked sausage - 80 calories

1 comment:

Jo said...

reminds me of the show 'doorknock dinners' whatever the hell you have! if they came to my house, it would be a boring show! you did great tuesday and hope to see you out there again today.