Friday, March 6, 2009

a few butterflies

Jonny met a girl. :)

Weight - 258 pounds (i think i gained some water weight thanks to the wine and lack of water)
Loss to date - 4 pounds
Calories in - 1500
calories out - 3000(basal) + 2200(cycling hard for 1 hour 20 minutes) = 5200
calorie deficit - 3700

Ok so today i had a bit of work to do for a friend, just a simple head-shot photoshoot. If you go to my flickr account ( you can check it out.
We had sushi for lunch and it was yummy. We had a small bowl of miso soup and then 2 small 8 piece rolls each. We both had tuna with avacado and salmon with avacado. Jane didnt finish 6 pieces of her rolls so she gave them to me and I couldnt resist finishing them off as well on the way to my other errands. So basically I had 3 small 8 peice fish and avacado rolls. YUM! After doing much research im going to estimate that each roll had about 200 very healthy calories in each. So lunch was a very filling 650-700 calories and it really helped propel me through my afternoon bicycle ride at 5pm. I forgoed doing intervals because i did them on tuesday and then again on the exercise bike on wednesday in the gym and i felt like it was time for some extended miles by myself. It was pretty damn windy to start. The wind downtown can be tricky when you are trying to dodge 9-5ers in their frantic attempts to get home to the TV and some other lifestyle that I'm going to assume is worth being judgemental about. It was blowing so hard and it would switch directions dramatically with all the buildings altering its path. The idea of having a wreck on my bicycle is prety darn scarey to me. I've never had one and I sure hope I never do.

At any rate, it was a glorious ride on a glorious warm march afternoon. It was much needed after all this fucking cold we have been getting. I gotta say that I think that winter is bullshit and I propose that Obama gets rid of it. Once I got down on the trail it was wonderful and I felt good. I even passed a big crowd of tubesuckers coming out of altel and I smoked them. I had to stop and take off one of my unnesisary base layers and I let them catch up and decided to pull for them for the majority of their ride from the bridge thru the burns park loop but they were just too slow for me. It felt good to put some out of shape skinny folks to shame and spank them on the bicycle. I was able to keep my speed between 17,18-22MPH even with the wind. That felt awesome and it also burned about 2200 calories over an hour and 20 minutes so I more than made up for my decadent dish of dead fish and delectable avacados.

It has occured to me that salmon has become a regular part of my diet this week. I have had it for 5 days so far and im begining to rekindle a love affair with it. For those of you who dont know much about it as a food I would encourage you to research it. It is loaded with heart healthy fats and high quality protien. Definately a food that I will miss when this great depression that is looming forces me to start eating rice and beans and to change my career to "public works construction worker".

I didnt eat anything that required me to really cook today so im skipping my daily recipe. Sorry Jo, im still working on getting that recipe put together and seeing how its 2:05 am i should probably get to bed. I promise you though that not only will i post the recipe soon, i'll also bring you some to sample next tuesday.

Here's my food for the day:
leftover mushroom and onion soup - 100 calories

2nd breakfast:
1/2 cup stonyfield farm organic lowfat vanilla yogurt with 1/2 cup bluberries - 110 calories

cup of miso soup, 3 small salmon and avacado, and tuna and avavado sushi rolls - 650 calories

one red pear with 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese - 180 calories

Date Beer:
2 Michelob ultras - 190 calories

2nd Dinner:
1/2 cup cottage cheese - 90 calories
half sandwich with sausage - 200 calories


dewonn43 said...

Well Crap, I grilled some salmon, sweet potato, & green beans ... and it was great, but now that you have brought it up ... it is ...
==> Definitely a food that I will miss when this great depression, that is looming, forces me to start eating rice and beans and to change my career to "public works construction worker". (Although ... with enough cayenne pepper red beans & rice are pretty good)

Jo said...

i want to hear more about the girl =) !!

Looking forward to the food sample!

dewonn43 said...

Jonny met a girl. ==> Then no more posts :-)