Tuesday, March 10, 2009

my lazy weekend

so i totally F'ed off friday, saturday, sunday, and monday. I added calories friday and saturday but blew them away by drinking both days. Id say that they were both 2000+ calorie days. I wasnt able to get my ride in on friday because of getting Bonnie my new greyhound. She needed a lot more attention and I had to pick up her kennel and supplies and such.

But I did get decent rides in on all the other days and to my delight, I woke up sunday after a night full of drinking and fun at 255 pounds, which is 7 pounds into my 35 pound goal. It was a bitter sweet victory because really I was just dehydrated and had completely emptied out my system as a result. Regardless, I woke up this morning at 257 which still means I have lost a solid pound since thursday making my first week roughly a 5 pound week and that isnt too shabby. My weekly target is 2.5 pounds in order to reach my goal by may 29th so I am ahead of the curve so far.

Im really excited to start the tuesday thursday rides again because it will be the kick in my pants I need to really boost my effort on the bike. I got dropped all last year and that really pisses me off. This year im hoping to be able to stop that and hang with everyone once I can get my weight down enough to be competitive.

If anyone wants a good solid laugh i really suggest the site http://www.fmylife.com
It's a blog where people post the really shitty things that happen in their life and it is all really funny in a morbid kind of way. Whenever I have a shitty day I will be going here to remind myself that my life doesnt suck all that much. Yesterday was one of those days, I lost out on some work I thought was coming my way, my rear wheel went badly out of true, and I didnt balance my meals well and all the extra protien I ate made me cranky.

I wont be posting my food from the weekend because it doesnt matter at this point. I'll just start again tonight with today's food.

Here's the recipe for Maffe that I promised. The cabbage and eggplant really is optional, so if you dont like those things dont bother with them. They do add plenty of added nutrition however. And if you really want to notch up this meal, add 4 or 5 sprigs of fresh thyme when you add all the liquids and serve it with some pan fried white fish with cajun seasoning. ANother trick i found is if you use crunchy peanut butter you can add a nice bit of texture to this dish. ANd please dont use crappy peanut butter. The added sugar and trans fats are not cool. try finding a natural brand where the only ingredient is peanuts. YUM! And Jo, I'll be at the tuesday ride tonight at 6 with the maffee i promised for you. This is a traditional west african dish.


3 Tsp oil 1 med onion chopped

1 Maggi cube (this is chicken bouillon, use two) 1 lrg clove garlic pressed

3 tsp tomato paste (dont be afraid to use a whole can of this) 5 tsp peanut butter

½ package of dried okra powder (cajun file powder works well too) 3 eggplant chopped

3 African sweet potatoes chopped (i prefer arkansan sweet potatoes) ½ head of cabbage

2 carrots chopped salt,pepper&pimento to taste

meat/ fish if desired

Can be served on rice or macaroni (prepare as usual) or with bread

*Add or reduce vegetables depending on tastes or availability.

In a large pot sauté onion in oil. Add Maggi, garlic, and tomato paste. Sauté mixture for 1 minute over med heat. Add water and bring to a boil. Mix peanut butter and stir until dissolved. Stir in veggies, pimento, salt, and pepper to the mix and simmer for 30 minutes. If a thinner sauce is desired, add more water or omit okra power. If making with meat, be sure to brown it in oil while sautéing the onion.

*Tip: since peanut butter is hard to dissolve, mix in another saucepan while heating with half of the water. Then add to the original mixture.

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