Monday, March 2, 2009

Its time to begin...again

Last year I worked for 3 months and lost 30 pounds. This year I gained 12 of those back and intend on losing another 35 pounds in the same time frame. This year I am more determined. I MUST lose weight to become healthier. I MUST lose weight to become competitive on my bicycle. I MUST lose weight so I can spank Charlie on the hills and the flats and show everyone that the fat cyclist has stronger legs and can actually hang out front of the pack for 30 miles without getting dropped on every incline. I have quit smoking and will continue to dedicate myself to the struggle of healing my lungs and increasing my will power to stay away from the smokes.

Im hoping that all of you who read this will continue reading and offer me advice and support as well as disdain and severe judgement if you catch me slacking. Im one of those folks that really benefit from outside motivation sometimes as hard as it is for me to admit.

So the starting weight is 262. The goal will be 35 pounds by may 29th. That is 2.5 pounds per week. I'll be calculating my basal metabolic rate at 3000 calories/day. In order to reach my goal I'll need to cut 8750 calories from my system through diet and exercise each week in order to reach my goal. I believe that If I can cut 1500 calories a day I'll reach that weekly goal and then some. I will have to eat less, eat more frequently, eat less calorie dense foods and more foods that have a higher nutrition to calorie ratio. I do not plan on getting on any kind of fad system or partake in any philosophy of eating. The real fact is and always will be that no matter what u eat, you will only lose weight through creating a caloric deficit.

So my plan will be to eat normal healthy whole foods with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, low fat yogerts and cottage cheese and other cheeses, lean meats such as fish and chicken, pork, a bit of beef, tofu, whole grains with minimal processing, whole sugars and no corn syrup or artificial sweeteners, and only saturated and mono-unsaturated fats such as butter and olive oil.

I'll eat 6-7 times a day in order to stave off hunger and keep my blood glucose levels fairly stable. On days when I do high intensity bike rides i'll probably eat more calories and add meals before and after the rides to aid in training and recovery. In the next day I will be putting together a schedule of workouts to fill my week 6 days a week. I want to try and work on putting together a rutine that will challenge my body without killing myself and over training. Im thinking I'll have to limit myself to only 4 bike rides a week with some days having gym training in addition to a bike ride, other days having only work in the gym on my upper body and legs, and some days where I just hammer it out on the cycle. Id like to keep my entire body working to heal itself and grow from the workouts so my metabolic rate will stay high and I can burn more calories in rest periods.

In the next few days ill be doing more research and coming up with a more accurate reflection of my true basal metabolic rate that reflects more than just my height, age, weight, and sex. If anyone has any ideas on this I would love to hear them.

As usual, I'll be doing a food diary and an exercise diary that I'll list in each day's blogs.

My name is Jonny and I am the fat cyclist.


Jo said...

Johnny- you are riding great for a fatty on 2 wheels! Good luck with your weight loss plan! I try to eat 6-7 meals a day as well and mostly it works. Lay off the smokes! You won't be able to spank Charlie up the hills if you are coughing up a lung.

Erin Moulden said...

OMG I am so proud that you quit smoking!! Way to go.

Anonymous said...

Bring it on! :)